Lecture Recordings, books, photos, CDs

Lecture Recordings  

Recordings of past lectures at the Vedanta Society of Greater Washington, D.C. can be purchased for $6.00 plus postage for each lecture, in audio-CD format. To order any CD, please select from the following time periods, and contact Partha Dasgupta at for your order. We apologize that some lectures will not be available, even though listed, due to poor recording quality or loss of materials.


1997 - 2000         2001-2004             2005 - Current

Books, Photos, Tapes

Vedanta Center of GWDC has also collection of books, photos, tapes, CD and DVD for sales. For price and list of materials, please contact Sibabrata Das at


    Copyright © 2000  Vedanta Center of Greater Washington, D.C.